Saturday, June 30, 2012

Demolition Derby @ Racers Island

Racers Island Raceway blog
Racers Island in-world (+TPer to all tracks)

I got the just before they've started. Well, it wasn't a big deal - it's not like a racing series, or something that slould be taken serious, just a group of racers decided to have some fun on Saturday evening.
The Demo Derby fun is directly proportional to the amount of participants, and Racers Island, as one of the biggest racers venues in Second Life, generates plenty of fun! Well, just so you know readers, there's never enough of racers at the derby.
So - no analysis, no overview, just some pictures to show you what you've missed if you haven't joined us there. Check these shattered prims and flying avatars out! Don't you want to be one of them?!

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