Wednesday, June 20, 2012

SIMBAZ RACING High Tech Track - NEW!!!

SIMBAZ RACING High Tech Track in-world
And it's for sale on Marketplace!

SIMBAZ RACING has released their new track today - and how could I miss it?!

I love tracks with surroundings. I love to have a couple of slow laps to enjoy the environment, to immerce into it... That's what gives tracks an attitude and sets a mood you're driving in. A good thing about Second Life is that if there's a grunge surrounding - it's not gross. Well, mainly thanks to Second life I can see the romantic side just everywhere in my life.
Simone Barsov - SIMBAZ RACING founder, owner and builder
Creators like Simone Barsov have it done perfectly. You enjoy driving at the track the replicating the suburban trashy street as much as you enjoy driving at the green track full of trees and even a fountain. Even when you decrease your graphics for a better vehicle handling and less lags - you still have a picture of it in mind.

The new track is performed in techno style, as you can see on the pictures. Solid colors, mainly cold pallete, straight shapes, glassy walls, lots of neon signs (and damn, I forgot how those running arrows are called) - this track makes you forget about the pale and colorless world that exists somewhere. It does not exist any longer for you. You're in the city of eternal bright lights.

I made a couple of laps on a slow speed to enjoy it. Feels like night Tokyo Downtown! (I've never been there, know about it thanks to photos and mass media.) You know, the city that is ahead of time, where everybody uses only the latest technologies... where you feel like you're moving forward not only on the road but you're ahead of the whole world. Where the environment pushes you forward itself. It's an amazing feeling.

I don't know if it needs to say about the quality of the track that is smooth, comfortable, well-bordered (you drive in the tunnels and the open areas are protected with invisible prims) - just like all Simbaz tracks. The track is long though, I think it's the longest Simbaz one. 
Sim was quite laggy, and the laptop keyboard made my hand hurt, so unfortunately I had to pull off after a few laps, but I've enjoyed it even despite this. Think I'm going to come back there later to set a better result, and I strictly recommend all of you to pay a visit and leave your name on the board. How high you can get? 

Have fun at Simbaz!

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