Sunday, July 15, 2012

Let's hear it for going Dutch!

From now on, Compete With Me! is open for all kinds of collaboration. And the first collaborator is the fashion blog, Go Dutch! - after all, racers have to look good too!
Roodvosje Rosse is a blogger highly experienced in finding great bargains all over the grid that will help you look fabulous without going broke. Because we don't have too much time to spend at the stores, do we? So, instead of grabbing the random outfit, how about grabbing the random cheap and quality outfit? Or how do you like the random cheap, quality and unique outfit? Rood will be your guide!
Please feel free to check out her amazing blog:
, also it has been added to the blogs list to your right, so you can follow it from here anytime, too!
Have a great week!

Kay T. Burnett (KayT)

P.S.: the today's race at Racers Island was a blast! I was able to make only Race B and Race A, but they're worth many of the ones I've seen from the beginning to the end. The post about it will be done by tomorrow 11:30 AM SLT, you have my word. Much love!

UPD 7/16/12 noon SLT: stupid RL took my whole day - no later than 5:30 guys! 

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