Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Racers Island Battle Car racing is ON!!!

It's not like regular racing. It's not like racing with pitstops. It's not like derby racing.
It's something you've never seen before, and that's why you got to come and see. Next Tuesday is okay - yes, this event will take place each Tuesday from now on, at 5 PM SLT. And this is a great way for everyone, from a beginner to a pro racer, to vary your racing life.
At first,I was going just to watch, to take pictures and notes, as always - but when I've seen the track, it became obvious that it's going to give you an experience you'll never get anywhere else. Inspired by Mario Carts, it is an exact replica of a Mario Carts track that Eddie Mathieson, who confessed he had the idea of bringing Mario Carts kind of racing into Second Life for many years, has built by himself. There also was an announcement about another track that is still under construction - it's going to be more of a big field, and the conception of the race itself will be different too, closer to demolition derby.
And Yuriko Nishi, one of the best scriptors you could ever meet in Second Life, who does all the scripting at Racers Island, has built amazing toying cars for that. Nella Boccara, one of Racers Island hosts, kindly escorted me to the mall where I, like most of racers, bought a fatpack that contained all the cars (when you see them, you realise you want to try them all). After unpacking, of course, I've tried a couple. 
So, the point of the race is basically to find the best use for the power-ups you're picking up at the track, to use the boost pads and avoid the obstacles. Typical arcade race - well, nobody makes you take it serious, but still, you'll figure out that some strategy has to be developed. My personal favorite power-up is a rocket that you can shoot right to your opponent's back, and if it caught him, you never know what effect it will cause - but it will, and trust me, it's so much fun to watch him while passing him by! The problem is that this power-up makes sense only if there's someone ahead of you in a visible area, also requires a good aiming skill - otherwise you better drop it and pick up another.
And of course, this kind of racing is not for setting up the best time, or finish first - it's for fun at the first place! And the company of positive, cheerful racers is just what you need. It's not about the points, about the  grid position - like Eddie stated, "it's the race you don't have to win". It just can't be the other way!
I could hardly resist the desire of joining them in the first race, but this event deserved shapshots - so I've joined them after 2 races. And I have to say, it's way different from what I got to know about racing during my pretty short second life. There's no such a rage, such a competition you usually feel during the race - and when someone passes you by, you just laugh and say aloud: "Well, you just hold on, I'll get your ass in no time!", it will be said with a friendly smile. It's not about calculating when and where it's best to leave a puddle of a suspicious green goo just to drive in the same one right behind the next turn. After the race, everything will be laughed out together, and the point will be reached - to have a good time with people you never knew before, but you can swear they're the funniest ones to be around! 

Get a car yourself and see you next Tuesday - you won't regret!

UPD 8/1/12: forgot about adding who built the cars - self fix is done!

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