Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Grosmanteau DeCuir takes over the blog!!!

Everybody welcome our new overlord (or slave, I didn't figure out yet), otherwise known as Grosmanteau DeCuir, the racer plenty of you know by winni... participaing in the races all over SL. Greatly experienced in racing, in racing history, also the one who witnessed the earliest generations of racing in SL - and I think it's a great luck for the blog to have him as a new author! Especially since I don't have enough time to cover everything I want, because the classes in my university have started, and there are several changes in my RL occur here and there... so, thank you very much, Gros, and welcome!
(All I ask you for is... please, please, don't mess it up!)


  1. Sorry KT, I already pressed on the delete all button :(.

  2. Those were the only 3 minutes of work experience in my whole life, and boy was it tiring.

  3. Oh, so you're a student? OK, you got your job back, but I'll have to have a talk with the one who's tuiting you
