Saturday, September 15, 2012

TXT Fall Series 2012 - Round 1 - the points

Thanks for coming, racers and spectators, the beginning of the series wouldn't be this great without you! And congratulations Top 3 with your very first win of the series!

Next race - on next Saturday, at the track 15. Come practice anytime. Hope to see you there!

Points for the round 1:

50 points - Grosmanteau DeCuir
45 points - Brave Ashbourne
40 points - tudy Araw
36 points - Mmmm Whybrow
32 points - Ronin Zane
28 points - PhiloSophical Vervain
25 points - Paidos McMinnar

Total points for the series:

50 points - Grosmanteau DeCuir
45 points - Brave Ashbourne
40 points - tudy Araw
36 points - Mmmm Whybrow
32 points - Ronin Zane
28 points - PhiloSophical Vervain
25 points - Paidos McMinnar

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