Friday, September 14, 2012

Racers Island Drift Race #3: Oasis track

Racers Island's Drift car league was underway for the third race of the season at the Oasis track. Nine racers showed up to compete for the win on this beautiful track.

Qualification proved to be successful for Brave Ashbourne, who managed to grab the pole in front of Yuriko Nishi, who managed a great time despite other racers not noticing her practice before the race event. The cutoff for direct access to the main race was hotly contested with Eddie Mathieson managing fourth place, with a less than 0.150 seconds difference in front of the 6th place Zev Titanium.

Here is the result of the qualification:

Pole Position. Brave Ashbourne, 21.185
P 2. Yuriko Nishi 21.231
P 3. Biggs Braham, 21.274
P 4. Eddie Mathieson, 21.470
P 5. Shaft Laval, 21.562
P 6. Zev Titanium, 21.611
P 7. ZeuStorm Resident, 21.859
P 8. Nella Boccara, 22.249
P 9. domilyon Resident, 23.742

As there were nine racers, the race direction decided to split the racers into two races. The B race would have five drivers, from which the top two would move up to the main event. Here is the starting order of the B race:

P 5. Shaft Laval
P 6. Zev Titanium
P 7. ZeuStorm Resident
P 8. Nella Boccara
P 9. domilyon Resident

The race started with a heavy contested battle: Titanium managed to take the lead after the first lap as himself, Laval, Zeustorm and Boccara passed each other on every turn. Titanium couldn't keep the lead, however, as Laval took it from him after lap 2. He then managed to build a lead while the three other stayed in battle with each other. Meanwhile, Domilyon, due to her inexperience, fell down behind the trio fighting for second place.

On lap 6, Titanium managed to get away from Zeustorm and Boccara as these two were still locked in a battle for third place. That battle would finally find a victor on lap 8, with Zeustorm managing to take a lead over Boccara. At this point, the cars spaced each other and the race became a chase. Titanium, as a good hunter, managed to pass his prey, Laval, on lap 12 after a skillful pass in the chicane. Titanium quickly pulled away and the positions remained the same until the end of the race, which means that Titanium and Laval moved on to the main race.
Results of the B race:

1st. Zev Titanium, 25 laps. Total Time : 549.052
2nd. Shaft Laval, -1.930 seconds.
3rd. ZeuStorm Resident, -8.271 seconds.
4th. Nella Boccara, -17.698 seconds.
5th. domilyon Resident, -2 laps

Here came the moment of the main event. For this 30 laps race, here is our lineup:

Pole Position. Brave Ashbourne
P 2. Yuriko Nishi
P 3. Biggs Braham
P 4. Eddie Mathieson
P 5. Zev Titanium
P 6. Shaft Laval

The start of the race, just like the B race, proved to be quite exciting as Nishi, Mathieson and Titanium raced for the lead, with Nishi leading the pack. After the first lap, she managed to build herself a small lead while Mathieson and Titanium remained locked in a battle for second. Ashbourne trailed them on his own in fourth while Laval and Braham fought together for the 5th place. Nishi couldn't keep the lead for long as, after an accident on lap 4, Titanium stole it from her while Mathieson chased her for second place. Shortly later, on lap 6, Ashbourne seemingly had technical problems with his car as it steered into the outside wall, pushing him down to the last position in the still ongoing battle between Laval and Braham. Despite the three-way battle, the group managed to catch on to Mathieson, in third place, making it a big battle for third place. Braham managed to detach himself from that group and began a chase on Nishi. That chased proved to be successful as he managed to get by her on lap 10. Nishi seemed to have a few problems recovering from that pass and got into a few accidents on her own, which moved her down to the last position, far from everyone.

The race seemed to stabilize on lap 14 as everyone spread out from each other. Eddie however changed things up on lap 15 as he crashed on his own, going down to 6th place, quite far from everyone. The race became once again active on lap 23, where Braham managed to catch up to Titanium for a chance to take the lead. The two drivers fought very hard with each other, making numerous passes. Braham managed to take the lead with a small gap on lap 28. Would that be enough to win the race? It seemed to be enough, however Titanium didn't say his last word. After a very good last lap, Titanium attempted to pass Braham at the last chicane, just before the finish line. Braham managed to keep his line and finished only .180 second in front of Titanium for quite an exciting finish!

Here are the results of the main race:
1st. Biggs Braham, 30 laps. Total Time : 653.426
2nd. Zev Titanium, -0.180 seconds.
3rd. Brave Ashbourne, -1.534 seconds.
4th. Shaft Laval, -7.668 seconds.
5th. Yuriko Nishi, -20.508 seconds.
6th. Eddie Mathieson, -1 laps.

Congratulations to Braham who managed to come back from last place and win the race, for his first win of the season. This race shows yet again that drift races at Racers Island are quite exciting races, where drivers fight hard and close for any inch on the track. Such races give a high dose of adrenaline, which is what drivers feast on! Racers, keep on putting such a good show and readers, feel the rush in the air and try a car!

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