Thursday, July 19, 2012

Compete with... circumstances?

Dear readers, I've got some bad news. The cooling system in my laptop is totally broken, I've been repairing it all day and gonna carry on. It simply shuts down when overheated - and it gets overheated in 10-15 minutes after launching Second Life. And the desktop is not available for me at this time of a day for some RL reasons.
I hope to solve it in the nearest time though, but not sure how much it's gonna take. Maybe a couple of days, maybe a couple of weeks. I'll be back at the tracks as soon as possible, that's all I can guarantee to you for now. Maybe I'll be dropping by from the desktop from time to time.
Much love you all, thanks for being with Compete With Me! Stay tuned for the further notice and... get competitive :)
Kay T. Burnett (KayT)

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