Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Old problems... but new subscriber!

These days are totally crazy for me. Laptop still shuts itself down - it has been revealed on Sunday, right before the last race of the season in RIR. So it's been sent to be repaired once and for all (and now I mean it) to cease the silence of the blog. Stay tuned, shouldn't take long!
Also, now the blog has an in-world subscriber, the master one is found at 2RAW at my office (it's between 4/5th and 6th tracks, just drive the route, and you'll see it) and I can rezz the remote one for you anytime and anywhere you want. It's used to send out the notifications about the recent and just added posts - no spam or old material, I promise.
Keep on competing!
Kay T. Burnett (KayT)

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