R.I.R. Racing League website
Off Road Mayhem in-world
(race of 7/05/12)
Jeez, I haven't been at R.I.R. for the longest time! A week ago was the last time, to be exact. Yes, an offroad race at Clawtooth's track.
This time, the offroad track was the one that belongs to R.I.R. - a brand new one, twice longer, three timee rougher, with plenty of cool obstacles (certainly, most of them are decorative - but still). Maybe it's just me, but it seems like it's more narrowed than the old one.
6 participants, including one newcomer and, of course, Clawtooth and Boozehound started 1 lap down again, what, of course, haven't changed a lot.
The grid was random (ironically, the queuer spitted out Clawtooth and Boozehound 1st), and, despite the low amount of participants, there was a notifiable improvement - that was ZZ, who started 4th (the last grid position, excluding Clawtooth and Boozehound), but made a great headstart (and remained 1st until Clawtooth and Boozehound caught up) and finished 3rd.
But obviously, that was predictable that it won't be a big problem for Boozehound and Clawtooth to catch up with others. They've decided to start 2 laps down next week to make it fairer for others... well, we'll see next week how it turns out!
The grid:
Pole position. Saphyre Cuberstar
P 2. AdmiralWolf
P 3. Clifford Market
P 4. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneko Zuzu)
Eagle Clawtooth, badguy Boozehound - 1 lap down
Final results:
1st. Eagle Clawtooth, 20 laps. Total Time: 1170.902
2nd. badguy Boozehound, -0.755 seconds.
3rd. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu), -52.248 seconds.
4th. Saphyre Cyberstar, -1 laps.
5th. Clifford Market, -3 laps.
6th. AdmiralWolf, -6 laps
Off Road Mayhem in-world
(race of 7/05/12)
Jeez, I haven't been at R.I.R. for the longest time! A week ago was the last time, to be exact. Yes, an offroad race at Clawtooth's track.
This time, the offroad track was the one that belongs to R.I.R. - a brand new one, twice longer, three timee rougher, with plenty of cool obstacles (certainly, most of them are decorative - but still). Maybe it's just me, but it seems like it's more narrowed than the old one.
6 participants, including one newcomer and, of course, Clawtooth and Boozehound started 1 lap down again, what, of course, haven't changed a lot.

But obviously, that was predictable that it won't be a big problem for Boozehound and Clawtooth to catch up with others. They've decided to start 2 laps down next week to make it fairer for others... well, we'll see next week how it turns out!

Pole position. Saphyre Cuberstar
P 2. AdmiralWolf
P 3. Clifford Market
P 4. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneko Zuzu)
Eagle Clawtooth, badguy Boozehound - 1 lap down
Final results:
1st. Eagle Clawtooth, 20 laps. Total Time: 1170.902
2nd. badguy Boozehound, -0.755 seconds.
3rd. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu), -52.248 seconds.
4th. Saphyre Cyberstar, -1 laps.
5th. Clifford Market, -3 laps.
6th. AdmiralWolf, -6 laps
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