Wednesday, July 4, 2012

So you think you can race

UPD 7/06/12: Big thanks to Eddie Mathieson, who corrected a few facts about Racers Island - much appreciated! 

As always in the beginning of the week, racers are having a break - some are dealing with their RL, luckier ones are practicing for the upcoming races, some are just enjoying themselves at parties or travelling through the grid. I've decided to stop being silent for a while and do something for the racing society. Within my blog, of course :D

If you look to your right, you'll find a list of links - yes, there should be you. If you're there, awesome! If you're not - hit my IM box in-world, or send a notecard, everything will be considered. Or maybe I'll find you first?

What I'm going to tell you about today, is our awesome racers, who practice night and day till their fingers and wrists start to hurt, to set the incredible results that are going beyond what we could imagine...
And obviously, some are better than others. It depends on experience, on the amount of hours spent on the track weekly, on the talent somehow.
For now, I call attention to nothing but what I've seen so far at the tracks. If there's any incorrectness, I kindly ask all the racers and race directors to point at it, I'll be happy to correct it. Also, if you have better pictures of yourselves, feel free to send them to me, I'll replace the ones that are here already.

So, who are the heroes of the Second Life roads by now?

10. xTonyAngelx
The name I can't skip... even though I haven't seen it anywhere but Lunar Estates. Yes, he lives at Lunar Estates, and that's all I know about him. Well, not all. Among all racers at Lunar Estates, he was the only one who took my attention with showing some really good driving skill. Don't know if he's a professional racer or not, but... well... doesn't matter, he's rich.
I don't know if he will ever join the racers community, but I bet he would be really successful on this field.

9. Saphyre Cyberstar
Yet another racer who I've met at R.I.R. events. An amazing racer, very competitive and talented one, with a good taste and texturing skill too - her cars' paintjobs are probably one of the most high-quality custom ones.  I suspect that's one of her racing secrets - to distract opponents with her gorgeous cars... Well, if so, who can blame her?

8. Yuriko Nishi
A girl who apparently won't make your win an easy one, especially in Drift Stock. But this is not the only thing that makes her a Compete With Me! hero - guess, who does all the scripting at Racers Island? I know, it's pretty hard to believe this sweet little thing with enormous... talent does, but this is the fact.

7. Kenn Smithson
You probably won't even notice this fella on the track. Until you realise you've finished right behind him.
Not too agressive, not too compliant. A great driver, but makes mistakes. How he gets the winning place? Guess it's just the great moderation.

6. Millenium Sands
The cars TXT Motors provides for the racing series at 2RAW are different from those you probably got used to. I won't quote all the complaints I've heard about this car, OK? Because the real racer, if he knows others will be driving the same car, will do his or her best. Because he or she needs to show who is the best on the grid.
Sands, seeming to be a very experienced one in that, didn't spend her time on whining about the car - she simply put her best into it and now successfully keeps the 1st place at the total score.

5. Brave Ashbourne
If you take a look at the Racers Island Drift Series results, who immediately takes your attention with his points? His name speaks for itself: the one who's not afraid of sharp turns, of high speed... of getting risky for the competition's sake. Guess that's why he doesn't race stock cars - no one can be perfect in everything, and, without a shadow of a doubt, Ashbourne takes drift very serious.

4. Eddie Mathieson
Or simply Eddie, according to the fact he put it into his displayed name. The owner of the Racers Island, who successfully runs it and the racing series since 2007 - it's 5 and a half years, and its populatity only grows! Racers Island definitely thrives under his management.
Also, might be a tough opponent at Stock Car races!

3. Miku Hatsune (Doll Kabuki)
"Racers Island Mascot", as the tag above her dolly head claims. Why do I write about the mascot? Because, despite her innocent look, you're dealing with one of the toughest Stock Car racers at Racers Island. During this series, she hasn't finished 1st only twice out of 8 races! This girl definitely knows the value of the position and keeps it perfectly.

2. badguy Boozehound
Go ahead and tell me that there's no wonder the owner of the racing venue is great at his own track driving the vehicles he has built - apparently, he knows it all like nobody else. But let's never forget the creation can all of a sudden surprise the creator, too. Boozehound handles them both perfectly against other competitors who got along with the track and the vehicle too. But first of all, I'd like to mark him and his wonderful wife, doobeedoo Littlething, as great owners and race directors who are doing their work with a great accuracy, without overloading it with a lot of formality, bringing the easy atmosphere to every race they arrange, so even if you're there first time, you feel absolutely comfortable.

1. Eagle Clawtooth
R.I.R. is the racing association that had an event I've wrote the very first quite comprehensive acticle about. Even there, at the first race, Clawtooth took my attention as a racer who knows oats on this field, who knows how to take a leadership and keep it, who can succeed at any track; maybe he won't finish first, but he won't  let others do it easily in that case. Every time he's on the track, he brings some real heat to the competition.

This was my first month as a racing blogger, and I ought to say, I've enjoyed it big time: watching, taking pictures, analyzing. Thanks all the competitors for bringing some fever into the second world, and please, keep on going - the competition is something that motivates us being better that others, in other words, it's what causes progress.

Much love!

Kay T. Burnett (KayT)

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