(Race of 7/05/12)

And we're back to the streamline track, but now - to find out who's the best in handling their cars skidding!
Recers Island racers are apparently the most competitive ones on the grid - every their race is definitely not about the easy win, and each of them knows that. So it's going to be my huge pleasure to restore everything I've seen yesterday in my memory and tell you about.
Zev Titanium got 20.600 during his qualifying - he was one of first. So others were trying hard to catch up with him, but nobody did - the difference between racers wasn't bigger than 0.1 seconds, but as we know, everything counts. (You can see the qualifying results at the Racers Island Drift blog).
They were doing 2 races: Race B and Race A, the scheme that seems to be used frequently there and that was described in the previous race article, so I'll skip this part and move to the standing of the Race B:

P 6. Andrea Von Brokenhymen (Scottie Easterman)
P 7. Shaft Laval
P 8. Eddie Mathieson
P 9. Nella Boccara
P 10. 2cul4scul

Everybody was going close to each other after the start, with Braham leading and Mathieson in the end - plus 2cul4scul half a lap down. Never without bumping the walls and other racers - they caught up, they lost their positions, they caught up again...

Pole Position. Zev Titanium
P 2. Yuriko Nishi
P 3. Miku Hatsune (Doll Kabuki)
P 4. Brave Ashbourne
Race B P 1. Biggs Braham
Race B P 2. Eddie Mathieson

This one wasn't as successful for Mathieson as the previous one - on the 2nd lap, he hit the wall very badly and dropped onto the last place with a hopeless 6 seconds gap that was just growing through the race. That wasn't a lucky day for Titanium either, who eventually dropped onto the 5th position (obviously, it's a big difference when you drive all alone and when there's a bunch of other cars cutting you off and doing other things that aren't supposed to help you win - I can conclude that according to Titanium's average lap time that has decreased after he dropped behind everyone and got some room, and particularly the fact that the fastest lap of the whole race has beed performed by him also).

What was going on ahead of them? Miku Hatsune has took the lead without any big efforts - great reaction on turns, great speed handling. Others behind her were losing seconds fighting for the 2nd place: Nishi, Ashbourne, Braham and Titanium. Then Titanium backed out, the rest got some room due to permament catching-up efforts making that turned out to be mainly just a seconds losing. So they remained their position till the end of the race.
All the racing results are available at Racers Island Drift blog. Feel free to check them out and compare.
Thanks all the participants! Looking forward for the next race!
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