Sunday, July 8, 2012

Racers Island - Stock Car Series - Round 9 @ D-Oval Track

Racers Island Raceway blog

Valo Emsbury seems to fail every 3rd race, according to the stats. This one wasn't an exception.
Well, it's just a little remark. Guys, I'm extremely sorry for such a huge delay, I've had a very rough weekend, and yesterday I've finally passed the last exam, wahoo!
Now - back to the race, to the qualifying round, to be exact.
This time, it was Miku Hatsune who took the pole position - even despite the fact she was qualifying first and other racers knew what they're going to deal with. No one could reach this time though.
But some of qualified times were very, VERY close to each other. Or even totally the same:

[18:41] Racers Island  Doval Oval Gate shouts: P 5. Mystic Audion,  8.892, -0.133
[18:41] Racers Island  Doval Oval Gate shouts: P 6. Andrea Von Brokenhymen,  8.892, -0.133
(Mystic Upshaw was qualifying 3rd, Andrea Von Brokenhymen - 7th)
Or with 0.001 second difference:
[18:41] Racers Island  Doval Oval Gate shouts: P 7. Eddie Mathieson,  8.937, -0.178
[18:41] Racers Island  Doval Oval Gate shouts: P 8. Upshaw34 Resident,  8.938, -0.179 
(Mathieson was qualifying 4th and Kert (Upshaw34) - first, along with Hatsune)

But everyone got under 1 second difference with the pole - well done, though not very surprising at the oval track, but shows the level of all the racers, and I find it pretty high. High enough to get the close competition on the track even through the Race C.
How tough it was? First, their positions at the start:
P 9. #427 - Nella Boccara  
P 10. #2 1/2 - Harleybeth28 Amoufhaz  
P 11. #3 - Cole Bishop (loadcoil)  
P 12. #2 - miller Tomcat  
P 13. #7 - Doug (Dougie Bellic)  
P 14. #4 - 2cul4scul  
P 15. #18 - davids25 Resident  
- and only 2 of them were supposed to move up. That was another proof that not everyhing depends on the grid position - it's your driving skill. Never without bumping walls and bumping each other, and Bellic was the unluckiest - devil knows how many times how got pushed into the wall or turned around by other racers.
Let's get a closer look to this race. At first, Boccara and Bishop took advantage of their positions; plus 2cul4scul made it from the 6th position to the 3rd, and when Boccara dropped behind - 2nd, protecting the place from Boccara who kept on going very close and eventually got ahead to begin a competition with Bishop for the 1st place. She achieved it and Bishop started losing his position still going 2nd though - others were too far away to catch up with him (most were lapped by Boccara and Bishop) everything was pointing on the win of them... but Boccara started being hit by others a lot on 43-48th laps and was losing a lot of time to recover. Tomcat, who was 3rd, of course, promptly caught up and gained the 2nd place. That concludes the Race C, and we follow Bishop and Tomcat to the next race.

Race B participants started in the following order:
P 5. #54 - Mystic Upshaw (Audion)
P 6. #75 - Andrea Von Brokenhymen
P 7. #00 - Eddie Mathieson
P 8. #34 - Kert (Upshaw34)
Race C P 1. #3 - Cole Bishop (loadcoil)
Race C P 2. #2 - miller Tomcat
After the start, that wasn't clear who's leading - racers were switching positions constantly. Then Von Brokenhymen took the lead, Mathieson and Mystic Upshaw dropped behind, the rest started the battle for the 2nd place, where Tomcat was leading at first, while Mystic Upshaw was catching up with them, then Kert replaced him. Von Brokenhymen remained 1st, but no one was lapped yet.
Mystic Upshaw was great with her laps time (5th place at qualifying and during this race) even despite the traffic, so she got 2nd place pretty quick, and Kert dropped behind.
Eddie was doing brilliant laps and made it to the 3rd place closer to the middle of the race and got into the fight for it with with Kert, however, the gap between them and the leaders was too big. Eventually Eddie began to lead and Kert got lapped along with the rest. And that's how they've finished this race. Andrea Von Brokenhymen and Mystic Upshaw moved up to the Race A.

And here's their order:
Pole Position. #121 - Miku Hatsune (Doll Kabuki)
P 2. #88 - David Wetherby
P 3. #69 - Yuriko Nishi
P 4. #92 - Valo Emsbury
Race B P 1. #75 - Andrea Von Brokenhymen
Race B P 2. #54 - Mystic Upshaw (Audion)
Hatsune took the lead in no time, others were going close to her for a pretty long time. Then the bumping time for Emsbury and Nishi began, and they dropped down, but there was still an extremely close fight ahead of them, though Hatsune was leading - everything could have changed any moment then. 
Hatsune shot ahead, and it turned into a battle for the 2nd place between Wetherby, Von Brokenhymen and Upshaw, that lasted till the halfway of the race, and Wetherby won it. Meanwhile, Emsbury caught up intended to take the 3rd place from Upshaw, but closer to the end of the race the gap between them grew again.
And Mystic, after catching up successfully with Wetherby, challenged him for the 2nd place and won it. Wetherby finished 3rd.

Thanks a lot to all the participants - it was a big pleasure to watch such a competition. Congratulations winners - well done, especially comparing with previous results (of course I mean Mystic Upshaw and David Wetherby, because Miku Hatsune's win was expected). Hope to see something like this next week!

P.S.: I finally can promise you to write the articles about races up to date (within 12-18 hours) - EXAMS ARE THROUGH!!!

Another good news: I got my ass to create an account on Flickr - still setting up there, but from now on I've decided to post your personal photos there. We'll see how else I can use it :)
For now, find yourself here.

Thank you very much!

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