Friday, July 13, 2012

R.I.R. Offroad Race @ Off Road Mayhem

R.I.R. Racing League website
Off Road Mayhem in-world

(race of 7/12/12)

It wasn't the first time Eagle Clawtooth and Badguy Boozehound start the race a lap down. And, if you remember previous reports about the offroad races, usually it turned out to be "how many laps they'll need this time to get to the top" - because we all know they'll get to the top anyway.
Today happened something I coldn't suspect at all - Clawtooth finished first, it was predictable, but Boozehound didn't even make it to the Top 3! I can assume the traffic had some influence on that. Because how may drivers do we usually have there? 6? 7? Today there were 10 drivers. Including a few newcomers. 
They messed up a little at the starting point (the grid was formed randomly). And when the race began, a couple of them failed the 1st lap, finishing it 3 or 4 laps down for different reasons - falling off while jumping or getting stuck. 
But ღ Rαelyɴɴ  ღ (Raelynn Sapphire), despite the RIR veterans who expectedly made it to the first places at the very start, was doing very good in a competition with Shishi90 for the 5th place - at least until Boozehound and Clawtooth started catching up.
At the 1st places, there were no battle for the 1st place - ZZ took it at the start (even though her grid position was the last one), when she promptly got through the pack, Clifford Market was going next to her (2nd) with Saphyre Cyberstar catching up with him now and then. Clawtooth and Boozehound joined them pretty quickly, doing better laps (50-53 seconds against 58 and higher), but ZZ, Cyberstar and Market weren't going to give up. When Clawtooth began getting close, ZZ and Market were very close to each other, but the battle for the 1st place has been won by Eagle - nevertheless, ZZ and Market remained 2nd and 3rd staying close to Eagle. Meanwhile, Badguy got lapped and drooped from the 4th place to the 5th (for the reason I've missed, but there was 119 seconds lap - no words needed I believe).
So, ZZ and Market concentrated on the battle for the 2nd place and dropped far behind Clawtooth (to be exact - they have been lapped), that battle was won by Market, so ZZ finished third, with a very small gap between her and Market though.
Well, most of what I've seen was expected. Market showed the great improvement of his position in the race - from going/finishing last or last but one, yesterday he made it to the 2nd place competing with ZZ - that's right, with ZZ! What about newcomers - well, everything comes with practice, so far Raelynn wins the newcomers challenge. Hope they don't give it up, and Market would be a great example for each new off road racer!

And what the stats say?

The grid:

Pole Position. sararae22
P 2. ღ Rαelyɴɴ  ღ (Raelynn Sapphire)
P 3. shishi90
P 4. cat Woodford
P 5. Clifford Market
P 6. Saphyre Cyberstar
P 7. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu)
P 8. Killian Sandalwood
Eagle Clawtooth, badguy Boozehound - 1 lap down

Final Results:
1st. Eagle Clawtooth, 15 laps. Total Time : 865.742
2nd. Clifford Market, -1 laps.
3rd. 'ZZ Bottom', -1 laps.
4th. Saphyre Cyberstar, -1 laps.
5th. badguy Boozehound, -2 laps.
6th. Killian Sandalwood, -2 laps.
7th. shishi90, -2 laps.
8th. ღ Rαelyɴɴ  ღ, -3 laps.
9th. cat Woodford, -8 laps.
10th. sararae22, -14 laps.
Fastest race lap: Eagle Clawtooth, 49.422

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