Saturday, June 9, 2012

1st race - TXT Racing Series Summer 2012 at 2RAW Extreme!

Full of pleasant surprises, it has taken place today, at 2RAW Extreme!

There were 3 participants - Millennium Sands, Dalton Aiten and Durron Sockington.

Millenium did a great job from the start, meanwhile Durron was not too far behind from her. Dalton was at the last position losing map by map, but Durron has been taken by his real life and gone AFK. So Dalton finished second!

And scores for this race:
Millennium Sands - 50 for the 1st place;
Dalton Aiten - 45 for the 2nd place;
Durron Sockington - 40 for the 3rd place.

With the same amount for the series total score, because it was the 1st race of the series.

Good job everyone!
Don't miss it next Sunday :)

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