Monday, June 18, 2012

Track 2 - compete with us!

Good day racers!
Do you know what's this?
That's right, it's a ranking board.
Do you know where it is?
If you don't - it's at the Track 2, at 2RAW Extreme.
Do you see your name on it?
If you do, is it at the right position? I'm more than sure it's not (if you're not PhiloSophical Vervain, of course).

This board records your average lap time - a couple of laps is enough.
So, what you need to do?
If you're already on this board:
Simply improve your best time or even a position as much as possible.
If you're not:
Come at 2RAW Extreme.
Find the teleporter at the mall - 1 lever below the landing point - (there's at least 2 of them) and take the teleport to TRACK 02 (Destination 6/17).
Get on the Track 2. Don't mix it up with Track 1! (the oval track)
Rez your vehicle. We have the 7 minutes auto-return there, so you better not to stand up until you've done.
You know what to do next!

You can use any vehicles, that's right, any. Cars or bikes, plains, try boats, but set the best time.

I recommend you to hurry up - tomorrow, at 1 PM SLT, I'll take a shapshot of a new result and post it here.

Aaaand of course, you won't be doing it for nothing!
That only one driver who sets the best new time (no matter if you're a newcomer or your time is already on the board - it should be a new one), receives L$300 from Compete With Me! blog.
But of course, first of all, it's about the competition!

So, see you at the track!!!


  1. Very cool blog KT :) And Yes guys and gals: Racing in 2raw is on Hoooo!! check the demo carsand practice in them we want good racers :)
    tudy Araw

  2. Thanks Tudy, many loves :)
    Well racers, you heard Tudy. Party on the wheels at 2RAW!
