Friday, June 8, 2012

I wanna race! RACE!

Dedicated to all the competitive people without whom progress wouldn't ever be possible.

A bit more than a year ago I've discovered the amazing world of racing and competing. Needs to say I was a newbie not only in racing, but in SL at all! Yes, I'm just 1,5 years old in Second Life, and this is my first avatar. And I was living an easy life, exploring the second world, partying, meeting people, and having a good time at all.

A lot of things have changed since then in my second life. I've got my own hotels group, got partnered with a great guy I love a lot (possibly will meet him in real life soon, yay!), became a member of the best MC on the grid (guess, for each biker his or her MC is the best of the best in the world) - and, of course, got more experienced in racing, and still getting better!

Racing has become probably the biggest part of my second life, even though I can't devote as much time as I wish I did to that, simply because I have real life to deal with - like most of us. But most of my free times belongs to the racing practice. I really love it

What I've created this blog for? Since I've become a race director at the very nice place, called 2RAW Extreme, I've decided to highlight everything interesting I'll find in Second Life about racing and for racers.

If you'd like to advertise your racing event here, or you're a creator and would love to sponsor any racing events - feel free to contact me inworld (KayT or Kay T. Burnett in Search, or use this link: ). I recommend you to drop a notecard - IMs are usually capped.

See you at SL tracks! ;)

2RAW Extreme:

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