Saturday, June 23, 2012

TXT Racing Series Summer 2012 - 3rd race!

Another Saturday, and we're back at 2RAW Extreme, for the next, 3rd race. 
Car to guess who got the 1st place? Yes, that was Millenium Sands again! I get a feeling she's going to be a real star down here at 2RAW, and not only her - other racers has shown their skills today, and we even had some totally unexpected moments!

Well, Millenium took the leadership on the very start again, going with Flea Fang neck to neck on the first lap, but drawing out bit by bit. She settled herself down on the 1st position and calmly drove her way right to the finish, while the real fight was right behind her. There was an accident - yes, she accidentaly passed the speed limit gate and one of the laps didn't count, but she's been recovered with it in no time!
Track 9 - the place where you have to tame your temper to be on the top. But Flea has chose to push it to the limit and get risky on the corners - but even despite several times he got stuck in the walls, very seriously on the 8th lap for example, with dropping down to the last place, he was getting dangerously close to Millenium, and end up on the 2nd place. Interesting, isn't it? Well, that means good driving skills!
Cameron was showing some great results at the beginning of the race - got on the 3rd position, but got stuck a couple of times and dropped down.
Pomponia turned out to be the most careful driver, what provided her the 3rd place. Well done :)
Everything gets with experience. Millenium has at least 2 year experience in racing in SL, Flea is an experienced driver too, as far as I know - he used to participate in 2RAW races even before I has been rezzed in this amazing virtual world!
Also, I have some great news for the future participance. Since the next race, we'll be having trophies for the 2nd and the 3rd place as well! So we're waiting for you next week!
(P.S.: the problem with particles will be solved in the nearest time, I promise!)

So, as always, numbers and pictures!

Race Director: K.T. Burnett (KayT)

Grid positions:

Pole Position. Millennium Sands,  53.307
P 2. PhiloSophical Vervain,  53.597, -0.290
P 3. flea Fang,  54.711, -1.403
P 4. cameron Geordie,  54.801, -1.493
P 5. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ (Excess Lemmon) ,  56.221, -2.914

Race beginning time: 2:18 PM SLT
Number of laps: 25

Race overview:
Lap 1: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. flea Fang, TBL -1.822 * 3. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ, TBL -2.490
Lap 3: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. flea Fang, TBL -1.377 * 3. cameron Geordie, TBL -2.778
Lap 5: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. flea Fang, TBL -0.509 * 3.  Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţTBL -7.000
Lap 8: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ TBL -14.165 * 3. cameron GeordieTBL -21.743
Lap 12: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ TBL -14.859 * 3. flea Fang, TBL -22.049
Lap 19: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. flea Fang, TBL -4.792 * 3. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ TBL -10.503
Lap 24: 1. Millennium Sands * 2. flea Fang, TBL -8.930 * 3. Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ TBL -13.685

Race ending time: 2:42 PM SLT

Final Results
1st. Millennium Sands, 25 laps. Total Time : 1395.394
2nd. flea Fang, -3.908 seconds.
3rd. Excess Lemmon, -11.062 seconds.
4th. PhiloSophical Vervain, -35.984 seconds.
5th. cameron Geordie, -46.831 seconds.

Fastest race lap: Millennium Sands, 7.715

The racers (pictures are taken during the qualifying):

flea Fang
PhiloSophical Vervain
Millenium Sands
cameron Geordie
Ρσмρσηία レεΜσгţ (Excess Lemmon)
The grid:
The race:

And the winners podium! Millenium Sands on the 1st place, flea Fang on the 2nd and Pomponia LeMort on the 3rd:


  1. WOW amazing work KT ! love the blog and all the pictures!this is amazing , tnx for making 2RAW a place to race as always been intended to!WAY TO GO !!

    1. It's a big pleasure Tudy, thank you for reading and commenting :) and trust me, I have some big plans on racing at 2RAW and all around Secong Life in the future!

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