I was about to go to R.I.R.when I suddenly got the notice about the race at Lunar Racing. So I've decided to hit the tomorrow's race at R.I.R. - should be Sprint Cup Nascar Series - and headed there.
First, we had a go-cart race. The practice was supposed to begin at 6 PM, when the whole race event officially started, but the carts were rezzed and set already, so some of us decided to practice before 6.
And I have to say - it's an amazing thing, the race on the track with beautiful surroundings, yachts, palms, the ocean... if you're a spectator.
If you're a racer, you have to turn all the beauty down, and you still will be lagging. That's the con. But the pro is - such races are generously awarded by the sponsor who was amazing Envy Melody and MC Motors! Besides, the feeling that you race at such a place totally is worth the enormous lags and the poor picture!

you get this:
Well, at least this provided me the win!
We were running 5 laps, although I ran way more that 5 - Graza McCallen said he stopped counting after the 7th lap, to be honest, I lost the track of numbers of my laps after the 2nd one. There were 4 of us: Diane Hotaling, the Lunar Sims manager, Botanical Rootcreeper and xTonyAngelx, the renters at Lunar Sims, and your one and only.
So, who wants to take a look on the world from the racer's eye?
Before the race, Botanical is already practicing:
My own practice. There was supposed to be the 5th racer, the Lunar Sims DJ Graza McCallen, but he decided to stay back and play some hot tunes for us racers, you can see the reason why on the pictures. Well, you were great as a DJ, Graza!
Lined up before the race:
And the race itself. Only one picture, and had to use Fraps. Notice some distant carts pulled over - they couldn't stand the lags :(
Next one was the bike race, where - surprise! - we were allowed to use our own bikes! I've picked <3 JFC Dragonfly, very light and handles amazingly. Beside me, there were 2 other participants: xTonyAngelx and Ȥιѵα (xeeva), both were riding mini bikes.
I finished second, about a second before Ziva. Ought to say I had a pretty tough start and it took me a while to catch up with her... guess I had to try the higher gear. But Ziva did great on her PBR-50 by the Japanese creator 19 MOTORCYCLE - to be honest, never heard of this one, got to check it out at my free time!
Well-deserved win, partner!
And you know, my friends... you have to race hard to feel this feeling when you turn the trees, the flexible prims etc. on and set you graphics back to "High" after the race and watch the colours of the beautiful second world are coming back. That's what instantly cheers you up. That's what makes you want to party right now, right here, with the awesome electronic dynamic tunes DJ spins for you. It might be 6 PM, but it's still the daylight here at Lunar Sims - and this is summer.
And trust me, every racer loves a good party and to meet good people. Because, after all, racers are just people too!
I had an amazing day at Lunar Sims and I'm looking forward for the next Saturday already. I'm telling you everyone - the atmosphere there is so positive, and the people are all friendly, pleasant and fun to be around with, you'll want to stay there forever. Special thanks to this event manager, Diane Hotaling and the coolest DJ - Graza McCallen for everything - you rock, guys :)
So come over anytime, especially next Saturday, and join the fun - I bet you won't regret!'
UPD: Totally forgot to mention - I got a bike my MC Motors for the 1st place! It's Viper v2.1 Tech Green, and tomorrow I'm going to examine it closely and tell you everything I find interesting. Stay tuned!
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