Friday, June 22, 2012

R.I.R Mini Cooper Stock @ Atlanta Speedway

What a day, good lord! Got problems with my PC and crashed in the middle of the 1st race - so I've got only picture and no race log for a better analysis. All I know is Grosmanteau DeCuir was a star of the race again - got the pole position, kept the leadership on the start (you know how hard it is, when everyone get mixed up, and often - including you) and through the whole race, and of course finished 1st! Well done Grosmanteau, what else to say!

But let's move to the Mini Cooper stock, the one R.I.R. has not for points, but just for fun. People are allowed to use the free demos for the race, but plenty of racers get their own one with even a custom painting. Today we had 4 of them: Eagle Clawtooth (#22), BanningBairde(#5), DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet) (#15) and Durron Sockington (the black one):
But as we all know, every race is a serious thing for real competitors, whose are plenty at R.I.R., and it was full of interesting moments.
It started on the qualifying when BanningBairde, Badguy and Eagle got absolutely the same qualifying time!

[16:48] Oval Island Gate shouts: P 2. BanningBairde Resident,  16.247, -0.045
[16:48] Oval Island Gate shouts: P 3. badguy Boozehound,  16.247, -0.045
[16:48] Oval Island Gate shouts: P 4. Eagle Clawtooth,  16.247, -0.045

Eagle jumped up from his 4th position to the 1st on the very first lap after cutting off one of the turns, along with Badguy and MidnightRambler, although DJ Traveler kept on going close to them, but she dropped down to the 4th. Eagle, Badguy and MidnightRambler were switching places (1st, 2nd and 3rd) while DJ Traveler remained the 4th with a small gap (1-2 seconds) between her and the leaders pack till the middle of the race - then, in the middle of the race, something happened and the gap has sharply grown. 
BanningBairde, Garth Moonites, Durron Sockington and Clifford Market, the new face at R.I.R. (at least for me), they were remaining their positions - 5-8 as followed through the whole race without any major changes.
All in all, it's always fun to watch non-sport cars racing. That's what it was about, wasn't it?

Race director: badguy Boozehound

Starting positions:

Pole Position.  DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet),  16.202
P 2. BanningBairde,  16.247, -0.045
P 3. badguy Boozehound,  16.247, -0.045
P 4. Eagle Clawtooth,  16.247, -0.045
P 5. MidnightRambler Frostbite,  16.341, -0.139
P 6. Garth Moonites,  16.489, -0.287
P 7. Durron Sockington,  16.787, -0.585
P 8. Clifford Market,  17.755, -1.552

Race beginning time: 4:49 PM SLT
Number of laps: 25

Race overview:
Lap 1: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. DJ Traveler, TBL -1.218 * 3. badguy Boozehound, TBL -1.692
Lap 4: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. badguy Boozehound, TBL -0.666 * 3. MidnightRambler Frostbite, TBL -0.908

Lap 7: 1. MidnightRambler Frostbite * 2. badguy Boozehound, TBL -0.917 * 3. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.092
Lap 10: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. badguy Boozehound, TBL -1.179 * 3. MidnightRambler Frostbite, TBL -2.132
Lap 18: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. badguy Boozehound, TBL -1.179 * 3. MidnightRambler Frostbite, TBL -2.132

Race ending time: 4:56 PM SLT

Final Results:
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 1st. Eagle Clawtooth, 25 laps. Total Time : 412.063
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 2nd. MidnightRambler Frostbite, -1.128 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 3rd. badguy Boozehound, -2.281 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 4th. Garth Moonites, -8.786 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 5th. JeanetteDJennet Resident, -9.606 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 6th. BanningBairde Resident, -10.325 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 7th. Durron Sockington, -11.550 seconds.
[16:56] Oval Island Gate shouts: 8th. Clifford Market, -2 laps.

Fastest race lap: MidnightRambler Frostbite, 14.743

Before the race + practice:


The grid from the weird angle:
The race:

Winner - crossing the finish line:

After the race. No winners' poduim, because it's just for fun, although Eagle brought his car there:

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