Saturday, June 23, 2012

R.I.R. Build Your Own Car series @ Atlanta Speedway

And an hour later the same day there was a big race - Build Your Own Car series, one of the ones I find most interesting, and not just because it's never clear till the very end of the race who will win (different cars settings - different strategies), but also I like the difference between the cars look. Due to the fact you can adjust everything, every car has its own attitude. It might be not too pronounced, but some cars totally reveal it for the public. Take a look at ZZ's Christine! Or how do you like Saphyre's rebel ride? Or BanningBairde's, a little misterious? And Clifford Market's, in a McLaren's body frame? You'll never get tired of examining these cars.

As much as you never get tired of watching them racing. Saphyre has proved her car not just looks good, but also handles perfectly and lets her win - even though Eagle caught up with her on the very start and till the end of the race refused to give up. What a fight for the leadership it was, probably the closest fight I've ever seen!
ZZ has impressed everyone with her colossal improvement from the 10th grid position when she finished... 4th! And that happened after the great fight with Garth, and later - with Kenn for the 3rd place. Well, Kenn turned out to do faster laps than her.
 Another amazing improvetent that took place there was Durron, who recovered himself quickly at first laps and joined the competition - for the last places, but still!
Unfortulately, there were some unfunny moments. It's Clifford Market, who couldn't make even the qualifying, it's DJ Traveler who dropped out on the 3rd lap after the awesome start (1st position on the 1st lap, and 3rd - on the 2nd lap). Grosmanteau DeCuir was going to participate, but plans have changed, he had to work. Diane left for the unknown for me reason right after the heat races. 
Well, it's life, everything's possible. Hope they'll make it next time!

Race Director: badguy Boozehound

Single qualifying round results:

1. Saphyre Cyberstar  12.291
2. BanningBairde Resident,  12.491, -0.200
3.  DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet),  12.492, -0.200
4. Garth Moonites,  12.492, -0.200
5. Eagle Clawtooth,  12.556, -0.264
6. MidnightRambler Frostbite,  12.578, -0.287
7. Kenn Smithson,  12.579, -0.288
8. Mongo Horberg,  12.604, -0.313
9. Tomm Fanbridge,  12.643, -0.351
10.  'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu),  12.690, -0.398
11. Durron Sockington,  12.911, -0.620
12. Diana Frostbite (Diana Beeswing),  13.135, -0.844
13. shishi90,  13.201, -0.910

Heat races
Number of laps: 15 for each stock and a conci race

Stock 1
Grid positions:
1. Saphyre Cyberstar
2.  DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet)
3. Eagle Clawtooth
4. Kenn Smithson
5. Tomm Fanbridge
6. Durron Sockington
7. shishi9
1st. Eagle Clawtooth
2nd. Saphyre Cyberstar
3rd. Kenn Smithson
4th.  DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet)
5th. Tomm Fanbridge
6th. Durron Sockington
7th. shishi90

Stock 2
Grid positions:
1. BanningBairde
2. Garth Moonites
3. MidnightRambler Frostbite
4. Mongo Horberg
5.  'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu)
6. Diana Frostbite (Diana Beeswing)
1st. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu)
2nd. Garth Moonites
3rd. MidnightRambler Frostbite
4th. BanningBairde
5th. Mongo Horberg
6th. Diana Frostbite (Diana Beeswing)

Conci race
Grid positions:
1. BanningBairde
2. DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet)
3. Mongo Horberg
4. Tomm Fanbridge
5. Durron Sockington
6. Diana Frostbite (Diana Beeswing)
7. shishi90
1st. Tomm Fanbridge
2nd. BanningBairde
3rd. Durron Sockington
4th. DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet)
5th. Mongo Horberg
6th. Diana Frostbite (Diana Beeswing)
7th. shishi90

Fastest race laps:
1st stock: Kenn Smithson, 11.978
2nd stock: Garth Moonites, 11.797
Conci race: Tomm Fanbridge, 11.721

Main race
Grid positions:
Pole Position. Saphyre Cyberstar 
P 2. BanningBairde - #5
P 3. DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet) - #15
P 4. Garth Moonites - #1
P 5. Eagle Clawtooth - #22
P 6. MidnightRambler Frostbite - #17
P 7. Kenn Smithson - #28
P 8. Mongo Horberg - #07
P 9. Tomm Fanbridge - #02
P 10. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu)
Off the grid: Durron Sockington - #01, shishi90 - #00

Race beginning time: 7:07 PM SLT
Number of laps: 100

Race overview:

Lap 1: 1. DJ Traveler * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -0.136 * 3. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.157
Lap 2: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -0.733 * 3. DJ Traveler, TBL -1.799
Lap 3: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -0.602 * 3. Garth Moonites, TBL -2.492
Lap 4: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -0.580 * 3. 'ZZ Bottom', TBL -2.868
Lap 10: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -0.888 * 3. Garth Moonites, TBL -4.753
Lap 20: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.869 * 3. 'ZZ Bottom', TBL -6.558
Lap 35: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.019 * 3. 'ZZ Bottom', TBL -8.595
Lap 45: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.625 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -10.602
Lap 55: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -1.752 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -9.979
Lap 70: 1. Eagle Clawtooth * 2. Saphyre Cyberstar, TBL -1.774 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -8.729
Lap 80: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -0.161 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -8.404
Lap 90: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -2.468 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -8.067
Lap 99: 1. Saphyre Cyberstar * 2. Eagle Clawtooth, TBL -1.869 * 3. Kenn Smithson, TBL -9.072

Race ending time: 7:29 PM SLT

Final Results:
1st. Saphyre Cyberstar, total time : 1268.136
2nd. Eagle Clawtooth, -0.894 seconds.
3rd. Kenn Smithson, -9.402 seconds.
4th. 'ZZ Bottom' (foneco Zuzu), -1 laps.
5th. Garth Moonites, -1 laps.
6th. Tomm Fanbridge, -2 laps.
7th. MidnightRambler Frostbite, -3 laps.
8th. Durron Sockington, -3 laps.
9th. Mongo Horberg, -4 laps.
10th. BanningBairde, -6 laps.
11th. shishi90, -27 laps.
12th. DJ Traveler (JeanetteDJennet) , -98 laps.

Fastest race lap: Saphyre Cyberstar, 10.956

Before the race + practice:

Racers and their cars (pictures taken during the single qualifying):

Heat races - stock 1:
Heat races - stock 2:
Heat races - conci race:
The grid at the start:
The race:

The winner crosses the finish line:
I just have to post this one:
And the winners: 1st place - Saphyre Cyberstar, 2nd - Eagle Clawtooth, 3rd - Kenn Smithson

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