Friday, June 15, 2012

Bikes Race at Lunar Racing - 6/14/12

I had hit one more race yesterday! Sadly, I felt a little sick after that and today as well, so I couldn't write about it. Well, at least I do it now!

Official practice started at 6:30 PM SLT, and I got there at about 7 PM. Since there were no entry fee and the bicycles were given away for free as well, I decided to give it a shot as well - I would pay if there were under, say, L$1000, but free is even better :)

So yea, I took a couple of laps at the practice. They use the HUD system for limiting the energy. Yes, you gain and lose energy while riding the bike. There's 3 riding modes: sprint, normal and rest. In sprint, you ride it 2x faster than in normal, but you spend the energy; in rest, you drive much slower, but it lets you regain energy.

There were 5 participants: your one and only, xTonyAngelx, Diane Hotaling... and 2 others I unfortunately can't remember. Guys, if you read this, please refresh my memory via my IM, okay? I'd really appreciate it!

And the winners were:
1st place - xTonyAngelx;
2nd place - K.T. Burnett;
3rd place - One of those who's name I can't remember

Thank you for the fun, MC Yachts and everyone!

And, of course, some pictures (even though I was busy with the race, I took a few):

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