Monday, June 25, 2012

[NN] City 2nd Annual Zombie Hunt

[NN] City in-world
[NN] Designs blog

You'll meet all kinds of zombies...
You might ask me why I'm posting not a race event here, but before you do, let me answer. The answer is very simple. It's the beginning of the week and most of race events are in the end of the week. But competitive souls are hungry for competition always, and not just in racing - in everything.

So I think the idea to take a short break (the hunt ends on June 26 at noon SLT, my bad, I've found out it exists just today, means you've got about 24 hours) from races might be a good alternative for all of you. Besides, you'll be shooting zombies not just to raise your self-esteem - you're offered some great rewards by clothes and - you'll love it! - guns creators. The whole list of those who provides the hunt gift you can get at the landing point. Clothes prizes are available for both men and women.
... in all kinds of places.

How to zombie hunt? Simply go to [NN] City sim and let the surroundings rez. You'll see the City Zombie Hunt stand - it looks exactly like on the picture next to your one and only camwhoring again. Just click where it's possible, and you'll get all the necessary equipment and notecards. You'll even be given a gun for free if you haven't brought one with yourself.

Done? Wear the HUD to collect points and your gun and take a trip through the city! These creatures are not very hard to kill, but beware - they can bite, and for every bit you lose points.

Just finished the previous photo models.
That's actually all. Shoot, shoot and shoot. Remember: you're not the only one who's zombie-hunting, so be polite - if someone almost killed the zombie, don't finish him for the points, it's rude. There's plenty of non-crowded spots. I'm serious - open the mini-map and go where's no green dots, and I bet there's something to shoot! Another hint: not to let zombie get to you while shooting him - it might take a while, and you'll lost your points during this time - try to stay as high from the surface as possible. Use stairs, fences, roofs. From the other point, it's better to keep the zombie closer to yourself to decreace the bullets dispersion. Well, you'll have to lure it into the spot you're going to shoot it from. With yourself as a bait.

Good luck to you all! And don't forget to pick the prizes - you want to carry something home from this event, don't you? ;)

Remember: the event ends at noon SLT tomorrow, on June 26!

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